Essential Bundles require to Run Android Applications in Ubuntu:
Make your Ubuntu Platform to ready with a list of applications listed below
- Java 7 JDK and Runtime Environment
Terminal command :sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre openjdk-7-jdk icedtea-7-plugin
- Android SDK tools Only
Terminal command : wget
- libgl1-mesa-dev (To avoid Error During the launch of Android Virtual Machine)
Creating the Virtual Android Platform In Ubuntu:
- After the Download completed Extract the ‘android-sdk_r22.0.1-linux.tgz‘ file by right click on it and select ‘Extract to Here’ (Or) Use
- Next navigate to the tools folder inside the android-sdk_r22.0.1-linux folder and run the file named android.
- In terminal use the following command as shown below to launch the Android SDK Manager.
- Make sure that you have an active Internet connection. The android SDK manager shows the list of software to be installed. Install it by clicking Install button. Accept the terms and conditions and proceed to download. Make sure that all your selected packages are installed successfully before exiting the Android SDK Manager.
- Open terminal and navigate to the tools folder inside the android-sdk-linux using cd command as already shown above.
- Type the command : sudo gedit ~/.bashrc and add these two lines at the starting of the file or at the middle and save it.
export PATH=${PATH}:~/android-sdk-linux/tools
export PATH=${PATH}:~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools
- Now it’s ready. In the terminal type : android avd to launch the emulator.
- Click the New button to configure the new emulator.
Note : Don’t use special characters
in AVD name, Don’t change the size of the ram, it will result in memory
allocation error in some cases.
Keep the values as per the image for better Compatibility.
- After finishing all the settings click OK button. The New AVD was listed in the AVD manager.
- Select the AVD you want to start and click Start Button. It will ask you for the Launch Option. Change the values as per your requirement and click the Launch button to load the AVD according to the launch option.
Note : You can select the screen size of the display. You can detect your monitor dpi by click the ‘?’ Button.
That’s all you are at the end of the
session. Your AVD will Load now. You can see a virtual Android Device
with Internet connected.
Note : Mouse Click Instead of touchInstall *. apk File inside Virtual Device Manually.
Now your virtual machine got the capability of running the android application in it. You can install the android application directly download it using the web browser available in the AVD or else copy the apk file to the below mentioned location./android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/
- Start the AVD which you want to install the apk application.
- After your virtual device Started.
- Open a new terminal window by pressing Ctrl+alt+T. Navigate to the platform-tool folder using the cd command as you know already.
- Type the following command in the Terminal.
Now you can see an Installed application installed inside the Virtual Android Device’s menu and the application is ready to use.
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